The club will hold North American Pairs qualifying games twice each month this summer.
June 6th & 20th
July 11th & 18th
August 8th & 22nd
The District 5 North American Pairs Final will be held at the Erie Bridge Club on October 5th & 6th.
Flights: A(Open), B (0-2500), C (0-499) Non-Life Masters
To determine Masterpoint holding, Masterpoints will be as of the June 2024 masterpoint cycle (processing through May 6, 2024). Masterpoints must include any masterpoints won in any other bridge organization other than the ACBL. A person or pair may represent a district in only one flight at the National level. The North American Pairs final will be a four-session event to be held at the Memphis, TN Spring NABC,
Flight A March 12-13 2025 3 pairs advance to the National Finals
Flight B & C March 22-23 2025 4 pairs in both B & C advance to the National Finals
The Bridge Lab is a venue [at the Erie Bridge Club] for newer and advancing players to hone their existing skills and develop new ones to improve their game and ability to compete at the table.
Each class is a two-week event and includes an extensive practice workbook on each topic. The topic is discussed (in-depth) the 1st week and then reviewed after participants complete the practice exercises in the workbook in week 2, along with live practice hands to bid and review as well.
Thursday – (Beginner Series) – 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Current topics this summer will focus on reinforcing many of the concepts and skills learned during the EasyBridge Series classes.
Class will meet in Meadville. Call Steven G. at (814) 573-4743 to get details.
Monday – (Intermediate Series) – 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Current topics this summer will focus on more advanced skills such as employing Cuebidding and various game investigative or forcing techniques.
Use the link below for more information:
Please leave us as detailed a description as you can concerning your request, concern, or suggestion. Someone will get back to you soon at address your inquiry.
Login to Pianola for personal results history, analysis of your performance, and a partner-finder